Covid 19 Response (Vaccinations) Legislation Act 2021 Unfair Dismissal Unfair Dismissal Covid 19 Covid 19 A paid four week notice period will apply if dismissal occurs when an employee has chosen not to be Covid-19 vaccinated. Covid 19 Response (Vaccinations) Legislation Act 2021 advice. It also deals with employers needing to pay for time off for workers to get vaccinated. Continue reading
No Jab No Job Unfair Dismissal Unfair Dismissal Covid 19 Covid 19 Employees holding positions that require vaccination and refuse to get vaccinated will end up being dismissed from their employment. Procedural fairness and substantive justification still applies. Unjustified disadvantage personal grievances. Minimum wage entitlement issues during Covid-19 lockdown. Continue reading
Wage Subsidy Covid-19 Employment Law Advice For Employers Employment Law Advice For Employers Covid 19 Covid 19 The New Zealand Covid-19 Wage Subsidy is designed to subsidise the employer in paying wages to their employees. Breaches of the Wages Protection Act. Continue reading