Casual Employment Dismissal
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Casual Employment Dismissal

Casual Employment Casual Employment Unfair Dismissal Unfair Dismissal

If a casual employee is unfairly dismissed by their employer during a period of casual engagement the employee can bring an unjustified dismissal claim.

Employee Case Review Compensation

Casual Employee NZ

The Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court have the power to determine the real nature of an employment relationship. Even where an employee works on a truly casual basis, if the employee is dismissed during a period of casual engagement the employer will carry the onus of justifying the dismissal.

Casual or Permanent?

Determining whether employment is casual or permanent can be determined from a number of factors, these include:

  • Regularity and pattern of work hours.
  • Whether work is allocated by a roster.
  • Whether an employer requires notice before an employee is absent.
  • Whether there is a mutual expectation that employment will continue.

Read our full article

We write for the Deals on Wheels magazine. Read our full article here: Dismissal From Casual Employment

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