Record of Settlement
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Record of Settlement

Employment Mediation Employment Mediation

Where an employee has a personal grievance for unfair dismissal, unjustified disadvantage or any other claim, the parties are required to attend an employment mediation. Whether an employment dispute is resolved before or at mediation both the employer and employee must be able to sign the record of settlement agreement. We describe methods of how signing can be achieved remotely.

Employee Case Review Compensation

Settling employment relationship problems remotely has become a more frequent practice in New Zealand. A record of settlement can be achieved before attending mediation where there is agreement between employer and employee.

Now with Covid-19 there are more employment mediations being held by Zoom or by Telephone. Kiwi's young and old don't seem to have access to printers and scanners, so the below methods of signing an employment settlement are therefore useful to get a employment relationship problem settlement signed off.

Printer and Scanner

Using a printer and a scanner to sign an employment mediated settlement is pretty easy. What you do is:

  1. Print the settlement.
  2. Sign the settlement. Make sure you sign in all places.
  3. Scan the settlement in using the scanner.
  4. Email the settlement to your employment advocate.
Easy as that.

Printer only

This is a common scenario, particularly for an employee who only has a printer. What you should do is use the printer to print the settlement agreement document, sign the settlement, photograph each page of the settlement, then send the images back to your employment advocate.


An IPhone can be used to sign the employment settlement document. The settlement document will be in a PDF format. When viewed on an IPhone there is an option to edit the document at the top right hand corner of the screen.

IPhone sign mediated settlement

You then select the pen tool, colour and size. You sign the screen with your finger.

IPhone sign tool

You then mail the document to your employment advocate using the bottom left send button

IPhone send signed mediated settlement

Android smart phone

You can download an Android App called Adobe fill and sign.

Android Adobe Fill and Sign

Hold your finger on the settlement document and select Open with 'Adobe Fill and Sign'. When opened, select the Pen tool.

Android Pen Tool

Select 'Create Signature'.

Android Create Signature

Sign the pop-up box with your finger. Go back to the Pen tool, select the signature, drag, drop and resize the signature onto the settlement document. Email the settlement document back to your employment advocate using the share function.

Android share with employment advocate